
Our financial policies allow us to provide you, and all patients, with the best care at the greatest value to you.


Missed Appointments and Cancelations

We require at least 24 hour notice (during business hours) for cancelations or re-scheduling of appointments. When 24 hour notice is not possible or if you do not show up to a scheduled appointment, we will charge a missed appointment fee.

How to cancel or reschedule: Call 360-352-9391 during business hours, Monday through Friday. If necessary, leave a detailed voicemail and we will quickly return your call.

After hours or weekend cancelations: Notice received over the weekend or after hours will still be charged a missed appointment fee.

Why we charge a missed appointment fee: When we receive 24 hour notice of cancelation, we have enough time to get another patient scheduled for an appointment at that time. Without advance notice, Sagawa NW loses both the chance to serve another patient and the payments associated with the services that were not provided.


Co-pays and Deductibles

Co-pays and deductibles are due the day of your service. After your visit, we’ll guide you to the front desk to complete payment by cash, card, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or by debit or credit card.


Payment Plans and Financing

If you need to leverage short-or long-term financing for your dental services, we offer in-house electronic monthly withdrawal from your debit card or bank account.
We also work with CareCredit, a third-party financing company. Applications can be completed online or over the phone. Visit the CareCredit website to get started.


Credits and Refunds

If our estimated amounts create a credit, it will be refunded to you no later than the end of the fiscal year, or when requested by phone call or in writing.


Emergency Patients

Emergency clients (new to our practice) should expect to pay in full at the time of service. Once established as an active patient, we will be happy to discuss other payment options.


Dental Insurance

Your insurance policy is a contract between you and your insurance and understanding your benefits and coverage is ultimately your responsibility.

If you don’t understand your benefits or coverage, contact your insurance company before you accept treatment or services and let our front desk know how we can support you.

Insurance is not a guarantee of payment and it often does not cover all the cost involved in treatment.

  • You are expected to pay for services rendered if our office is unable to verify your insurance information before treatment.
  • Estimated co-payment and deductibles are due at the time of treatment.
  • If services rendered have not been paid in full within 45 days by you or your insurance, the balance must be paid by you, unless prior arrangements were made.


Accounts over 90 days from date of service will be subject a finance charge of 1.5% per month. Out of courtesy, accounts will not be charged a finance fee for the first 90 days.

Separated or divorced parents of minors who are responsible for one half of the cost of a child’s / children’s dental care: The parent who brings the child to the appointment is responsible for complete payment at time of service. If this is not possible, the child may be denied treatment for a nonemergency visit.

Minors Accompanied by the Parent or Legal Guardian: The parent or legal guardian accompanying a minor, who has consented to treatment, is responsible for payment at the time of service.